Employment information: Common questions: Best quality to the world
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Common questions


Would there be a chance to become a regular employee from being a probationary worker?
Depending on ability and working attitude.
How long is the probationary period?
Depending on the project.
How are trainings in your company being carried out?
Training for test and development is each taken.
Is there a possibility of deployment or be transferred to a different department ?
Generally, it is possible.
How long does it to take to be hired?
Two to three weeks.
Are there any limits on the application such as educational background and sex?
Having college education or the like is required basically.
Does your company entertain foreign applicants?
If they take valid VISA, they can.
Does the company entertain fresh graduates or no experienced applicants?
Basically, working experience more than one year is necessary other than new graduates.

Working environment

What kind of working environment does the company offer?
The workers work in a new office built in April, 2014. So they engage in their job in neat office. Additionally, both desks and PCs are new.
Does the company offer childbirth and child rearing benefits?
Workers can take maternity leave and money gift.
Recruiting types of job
  • Recruitments
  • Selection
Application Form
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